Welcome to the ABC's of Argonne and SFUSD!
This is a non-exhaustive list of acronyms that parents/caregivers have come across and we thought it'd be nice to put it all in one place as a reference. We'll try to update as often as possible and if there are any missing, please feel free to email [email protected].
This is a non-exhaustive list of acronyms that parents/caregivers have come across and we thought it'd be nice to put it all in one place as a reference. We'll try to update as often as possible and if there are any missing, please feel free to email [email protected].
AAPAC: African American Parent Advisory Committee
Argonne: Our school, named after a forest in France
ARTIF: Academic Response to Intervention Facilitator
CASP: Chinese After School Program, a program brought to you by the PTO to offer Chinese language instruction as an after-school program at Argonne
CDE: California Department of Education, government body that oversees the state's diverse public school system
CSR: Class Size Reduction; additional teacher brought in to help keep class sizes down; Argonne currently has a CSR for 4th and 5th grades
CSSP: Comprehensive School Safety Plan
DEI: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
EL: English Learner
ELA: English Language Arts
ELAC: English Learners Advisory Committee; [Argonne's ELAC page]
ELD: English Language Development; program designed for english learner students
ELTSA: English Learner Teacher on Special Assignment
ESL: English as a Second Language, someone whose native language (mother tongue) isn't English
F&P: Fountas & Pinnell; early reading assessment given to Kindergartners, 1st and 2nd graders; a reading level system and literacy instruction system developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell
FTE: Full-time Equivalent; the calculation of full-time equivalent (FTE) is an employee's scheduled hours divided by the employer's hours for a full-time workweek.
IEP: Individualized Education Program; ensures students with a disability receive specialized instruction and related services
ILT: Instructional Leadership Team; teacher team of leaders
KRI: Kindergarten Readiness Inventory; assessment given to all Kindergartners
MTSS: Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports; support staff that SFUSD pays for (e.g. Assistant Principal, social workers, teacher coaches, reading specialists) and does not come from the site budget depending on what tier school you are; tiers based on multiple factors: e.g. socio-economic status of students, academic performance (Argonne is Tier 1 school)
PEEF: Public Education Enrichment Fund; PEEF resources enhance sports, libraries, arts, and music programs.
PDSA: Plan-Do-Study-Act; a four-stage problem-solving model that helps schools focus on continuous improvement
PTO: Parent-Teacher-Organization; all parents and caregivers of students at Argonne are members of the PTO
PTO Board: elected members of the PTO for certain functions
RI: Reading Inventory; reading assessment given to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
RNC: Richmond Neighborhood Center, a neighborhood non-profit that offers after-school care at Argonne [Website]
SARC: School Accountability Report Card, contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school
SDC: Special Day Class; select classes at Argonne that provide specialized instruction and services to students with disabilities; we have autism-focused classes
SEL: Social Emotional Learning
SES: Socioeconomic Status
SFUSD: San Francisco Unified School District [Website]
SPED: Special Education
SPSA: School Plan for Student Achievement
SSC: School Site Council, an elected body representing parents/guardians, students, community members and school staff in the school governance process [Argonne's SCC page]
SST: Student Success Team; a positive, team-oriented approach to assisting students with a wide range of concerns related to their school performance and experience
SSW: School Social Worker
Tardy: Being tardy means coming late to school after the school day officially starts.
T30: Unexcused tardy later than 30 minutes
TRNC: The Richmond Neighborhood Center, a neighborhood non-profit that offers after-school care at Argonne [Website]
Universal Design for Learning: a teaching approach that works to accommodate the needs and abilities of all learners and eliminates unnecessary hurdles in the learning process – i.e. when teachers are creating their lessons, they create it so it’s available, accessible and optimized to all their students regardless of ability.
Wolfie: Our school mascot
WSF: Weighted School Formula; allocation of funds from SFUSD to cover site essentials (core staffing, supplies) that is based on the number of students in our school
Argonne: Our school, named after a forest in France
ARTIF: Academic Response to Intervention Facilitator
CASP: Chinese After School Program, a program brought to you by the PTO to offer Chinese language instruction as an after-school program at Argonne
CDE: California Department of Education, government body that oversees the state's diverse public school system
CSR: Class Size Reduction; additional teacher brought in to help keep class sizes down; Argonne currently has a CSR for 4th and 5th grades
CSSP: Comprehensive School Safety Plan
DEI: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
EL: English Learner
ELA: English Language Arts
ELAC: English Learners Advisory Committee; [Argonne's ELAC page]
ELD: English Language Development; program designed for english learner students
ELTSA: English Learner Teacher on Special Assignment
ESL: English as a Second Language, someone whose native language (mother tongue) isn't English
F&P: Fountas & Pinnell; early reading assessment given to Kindergartners, 1st and 2nd graders; a reading level system and literacy instruction system developed by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell
FTE: Full-time Equivalent; the calculation of full-time equivalent (FTE) is an employee's scheduled hours divided by the employer's hours for a full-time workweek.
IEP: Individualized Education Program; ensures students with a disability receive specialized instruction and related services
ILT: Instructional Leadership Team; teacher team of leaders
KRI: Kindergarten Readiness Inventory; assessment given to all Kindergartners
MTSS: Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports; support staff that SFUSD pays for (e.g. Assistant Principal, social workers, teacher coaches, reading specialists) and does not come from the site budget depending on what tier school you are; tiers based on multiple factors: e.g. socio-economic status of students, academic performance (Argonne is Tier 1 school)
PEEF: Public Education Enrichment Fund; PEEF resources enhance sports, libraries, arts, and music programs.
PDSA: Plan-Do-Study-Act; a four-stage problem-solving model that helps schools focus on continuous improvement
PTO: Parent-Teacher-Organization; all parents and caregivers of students at Argonne are members of the PTO
PTO Board: elected members of the PTO for certain functions
RI: Reading Inventory; reading assessment given to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders
RNC: Richmond Neighborhood Center, a neighborhood non-profit that offers after-school care at Argonne [Website]
SARC: School Accountability Report Card, contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school
SDC: Special Day Class; select classes at Argonne that provide specialized instruction and services to students with disabilities; we have autism-focused classes
SEL: Social Emotional Learning
SES: Socioeconomic Status
SFUSD: San Francisco Unified School District [Website]
SPED: Special Education
SPSA: School Plan for Student Achievement
SSC: School Site Council, an elected body representing parents/guardians, students, community members and school staff in the school governance process [Argonne's SCC page]
SST: Student Success Team; a positive, team-oriented approach to assisting students with a wide range of concerns related to their school performance and experience
SSW: School Social Worker
Tardy: Being tardy means coming late to school after the school day officially starts.
T30: Unexcused tardy later than 30 minutes
TRNC: The Richmond Neighborhood Center, a neighborhood non-profit that offers after-school care at Argonne [Website]
Universal Design for Learning: a teaching approach that works to accommodate the needs and abilities of all learners and eliminates unnecessary hurdles in the learning process – i.e. when teachers are creating their lessons, they create it so it’s available, accessible and optimized to all their students regardless of ability.
Wolfie: Our school mascot
WSF: Weighted School Formula; allocation of funds from SFUSD to cover site essentials (core staffing, supplies) that is based on the number of students in our school